Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque auctor nibh eu nibh scelerisque malesuada. Morbi mollis eleifend turpis. Mauris consequat convallis volutpat. Integer quis erat vehicula, molestie nulla vel, sagittis odio. Quisque hendrerit eleifend magna, sit amet dictum odio condimentum a. Proin et ipsum venenatis, elementum sem convallis, pellentesque elit. Mauris congue velit porttitor dui condimentum porttitor. Aenean pretium suscipit ante in imperdiet.

Nam vitae suscipit metus, eget volutpat quam. Ut et sem nunc. Vivamus erat leo, auctor in neque non, malesuada consectetur neque. Ut ac purus est. Quisque molestie pharetra sem sit amet ornare. Nam eu felis in nisl lacinia iaculis. Pellentesque ut lobortis lacus. Etiam ut eros non dui ultrices imperdiet.

Ut pulvinar sem gravida porta ullamcorper. Pellentesque laoreet tellus eu egestas tempor. Ut nec lobortis nulla. Aenean tincidunt eu eros eget tincidunt. Vivamus ac lacinia mi, ut varius justo. Praesent eu ante vel velit iaculis aliquam sit amet vestibulum purus. Fusce molestie enim eros. Pellentesque justo sem, pharetra vel ligula non, euismod elementum tortor. Morbi dui ligula, rhoncus nec dignissim a, malesuada feugiat massa.

Cras non lobortis mauris. Maecenas id placerat est, ac lobortis nisi. Aenean dapibus arcu commodo magna tristique, et facilisis diam aliquam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce a vestibulum erat, nec ornare libero. Proin aliquam, neque vel mattis euismod, tortor lacus tempus turpis, ac vulputate augue nisl eget sem. Integer in porttitor mauris.

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Individual Pension Plans: A Special Opportunity for Self-Incorporated Agents
Eight Advantages of Incorporating Your Business
Building a High-Performance Business
Individual Pension Plans: A Special Opportunity for Self-Incorporated Agents
Sep 30, 2019

When you made the decision to become self-employed, you knew there would be trade-offs. The one that likely mattered to you the most was that you were no longer trading your time for money but instead getting paid based on the results of your achievements! There was however, one key benefit available in your former life that you may have given up; the opportunity to belong to a company pension plan. While being a member of a pension plan is not a guarantee of a comfortable retirement; knowing it will be there one day can certainly provide peace of mind, with respect to saving for the future. Ironically, due to your success, your higher tax bills have now made you a major contribut...

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Eight Advantages of Incorporating Your Business
Sep 30, 2019

More and more real estate professionals are looking at incorporating to reduce taxes and increase wealth accumulation. Incorporating your business is an excellent way to accomplish both if you are at the right tax bracket and can leave money in the company for investment purposes. Listed below are the top eight reasons to consider incorporating your business. Limited Liability:Protects you against creditor claims and any lawsuits or other liabilities arising in the corporation. Small business tax rate 13%Individuals must pay tax on all income at year end at a maximum 54% marginal tax rate. Monies left in the corporation are taxed at 13% - a difference of 41%. Building wealth within...

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Building a High-Performance Business
Sep 30, 2019

All top-flight CEOs run high-performance businesses. But this begs the question – exactly what is a high performance business? What are the benefits of a high-performance business? A High-Performance business has five distinct characteristics. Specifically a high-performance business is a business: Which is focused on serving a specific market niche and is systems driven Where everyone has a job to do, knows how to do it and executes it daily That can operate without you and still provide the same high standards you provide when you are there Where the Team Leader can take at least eight weeks off per year (two months) and still have a growing business Where a combina...

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